NAM at a glance

Diversified product line-ups and a strong foothold in the private pension market in Japan.

This page introduces our company's Overview.

We at NAM, are a Tokyo-based active investment manager offering a broad range of products. Integrating asset management capabilities of the Nippon Life Group, we have been serving our clients with services across asset classes since the start of our establishment. We believe our value creation, stems from one philosophy honed over two decades: "A research-intensive approach will lead to superior and consistent investment results". Our philosophy is practiced by seasoned professional teams, in disciplined decision making processes. Their views are underpinned with strenuous researches for the realization of sustainable returns in the long-term. In equity investment, we are recognized as owning one of the largest analyst bodies in Japan, which can capture the "hidden jewels" of assets in this country. We are also an ESG front-runner in Japan and are proud of our incomparable experience in the responsible investment arena. With this background, we offer unique investment opportunities by leveraging the group's investment capabilities and its global network.
Being your partner in success, is our goal.

Investment Advisory Contract


31.48 trillion Yen

Investment Trust

Net Asset Amount

10.04 trillion Yen

As of the end of March 2024
*AUM includes Investment advisory business.

the Group’s commitment
by integrating the Nippon Life Group's capabilities and expertise.
Signatory to the PRI, and acceptance of principles for Japan’s Stewardship Code.